
Working with children to help them understand the correct placement in their mouth to make difficult sounds.

An articulation disorder or speech sound disorder is when a child is unable to correctly produce a specific sound(s). It is important to recognize that some sounds are developmentally acquired later than others. When a child is unable to produce their speech sounds correctly it can be difficult to understand the child and frustrating for the child as well.

Speech therapy is important to help your child correctly acquire the sounds and be understood by everyone correctly. Online I can work with your child to help them understand the correct placement in their mouth to make the difficult sound(s). I will start by consistently having them produce the sound in isolation correctly, word level (in all positions), phrase level, sentence level, and conversational level. This is the hierarchy of speech sound development.

During COVID all of my sessions were online and I am able to make the sessions fun despite not being in person by using split screen games and making it as individualized to each child’s interest and age as possible.

Let’s Start Building Stronger Speech and Language Skills

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